Secretary General of UN

The election of The Secretary General of UN

Antonio Guterres is now going to 9th Secretary general of un, earlier h served as Portugal’s PM, and then worked as UN High commissioner for refugees.

Te UN was established in 1945, and the general secretary described as chief administrative officer.

What is Selection Process

1- The nations send their application of candidates to UN Secueity council, but Permanent member don’t send there application to avoid further concentration of power, the UNSC consist of 15 members

2- Than the UNSC conduct some “Straw Polls” to decide and figure out the most supported and favored candidate, here the members have three option to follow, that are (a) encourage a candidate (b) discourage the candidate (c) no- opinion.

3- If any permanent member gives discourage vote, it is final veto on his name.

4- The contenders should garner 10 out of 15 votes to move further.

5- After this, his name is sent to UNGA, where its 193 members vote for his name, and give there assent.


~ Every secretary general have a term of 5 year, but as we know Ban ki Moon served for two terms, but no one ever served for more than 2 terms in history.



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