Top five Longest rivers of Asia
Yangtze River
The Yangtze River, also referred to as
Chang Jiang, is third longest river in world, It spansover 6,418 km, beginning from the Geladaindong Peak, near the Tibetan Plateau inside the province of Qinghai, the river travel in
eastward to Southwest direction, and it discharge into the East
China Sea near Shanghai, besides its lenght the river have a long cultural, Social and economical history.
On this River, three Gorge Dam is built, which is one of the biggest Dam and attract lakhs of tourist too.
The total length of this river is about 3,442 miles.
It is ranked fifth longest river in the world while its second in Asia. The river originates near mountains inMongolia, than it flow northward and enter Russia, and this river reach Yenesei
This river is very fetile in fishery and aquatic plants, and have commercial importance, many new Hydroelectric Dams are constructed over it.
Huang He or Yellow River
It is also known as the Sorrow of China
and Yellow River, so known as as a
consequence of the yellow silt deposits near it.
The river is ranked 6th longest river in the
word, and it is ranked third longest in Asia. Its total length is about 5,464 km, it originates near Bayan Har Mountains in
Tibetan Plateau.
This river drains into
the Bohai Sea.
Lakhs of people but died due to its regular floods and flash floods, which lead to numerous human casualties and vast range of destruction in Economical fields.
Still, the Yellow river have huge and long history of cultural and economical imprints on the Chinese life, and still it is very important for Chinese peoples.
The Ob River originates from Altay Mountains, of Russia, Kazakhstan, China and Mongolia. It flows in a west-
and-north course and than eastward discharge into the Gulf of Ob, the 970 km bay of the
Kara Sea adjoining the Arctic Ocean. The Ob-Irtysh river is used forvirrigation,
power and fishing.
The Amur River, travel between China and Russia, have length of 2,824 km. It originates near the hills of
Western Manchuria and flows in eastward directions, many tributaries and rivulets join it during its journey, many towns and villeges economic and social needs are fulfilled by her,
Than Amur turns east and south east and there it is joined by Ussuri River where it start flowing to north to Amgun river and turns east into the Tartary
Strait. This river is regarded as sacred in Chinese mythology and have great impact on chinese society.
In pic below, it is Hwang Ho River, which is meandering.
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