National Medical Commission Bill, 2017.

National Medical Commission Bill, 2017. This bill was presented by the union health minister J P N adda in parliament, which leaded to widespread protest by doctors in throughout India . Bill tends to modify the old, Indian medical council act 1956. This is now obsolete and leaded to corruption in health isitute. ~Current situation 1- Lack of ethics in health sector in India , declining respect and ethos for customer and duty toward them, due rise of commercial interests . 2- Rampant corruption in medical colle ges and intuition , for treatment ad seats, its now very costly for a poor an to afford study in the field of the medical. ~ Making of bill Earlier, a committee headed by Ranjit R oy choudhary was given task to study the old council act, and recommend changes, if needed and the committee gave bunch of recommendations. Than , the bill was made by drafting committee, which had four members and headed by the vice chairman of the NITI Ayog and the bill was pres...